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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#17201 Stagnate 4
#17202 desiher 4
#17203 Froot36jooceAj 4
#17204 Jexninn 4
#17205 PlanesWalker 4
#17206 SSGlaceon 4
#17207 Sakurablossom1591 4
#17208 StellaUniverse 4
#17209 uaine 4
#17210 ChocolateCroissant1042 4
#17211 TheInvestigator 4
#17212 spigirl112233 4
#17213 Raspykoo 4
#17214 loveroflegends 4
#17215 hannah51523 4
#17216 missyjessalyn 4
#17217 Jenbahr 4
#17218 kingofthemelons 4
#17219 JuJu13 4
#17220 TheKeyMaster 4
#17221 LongLiveRiot 4
#17222 mysticaria 4
#17223 SoulSpiritGaming 4
#17224 ColeofTPG 4
#17225 Sunshine94 4