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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#17301 Crayonss 4
#17302 morty 4
#17303 MervinTheGoat 4
#17304 PixyPaws 4
#17305 Dawkosaur 4
#17306 sianna777 4
#17307 moony_ 4
#17308 Kataraicewing 4
#17309 Kyoujinn 4
#17310 kittygirl1542 4
#17311 lolistark 4
#17312 FaultySky 4
#17313 kitsunefreak 4
#17314 Hhhany 4
#17315 harribet001 4
#17316 Kedamono 4
#17317 DragonVesta 4
#17318 Ashie 4
#17319 reignofemery 4
#17320 FireTree 4
#17321 joocebox 4
#17322 WhiteMask44 4
#17323 Pentagram 4
#17324 trexdino 4
#17325 LunaMoon15 4