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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#17376 AislynnMarie 4
#17377 IzDahWa 4
#17378 cobaltDreamer 4
#17379 20becca02 4
#17380 Emily5282 4
#17381 BigDix 4
#17382 xitopaprika 4
#17383 annieh789654 4
#17384 Apollestia 4
#17385 jerry06014826 4
#17386 Ch4nd13rBing420 4
#17387 HarpistXI 4
#17388 CandleCopter 4
#17389 Cookiedough543 4
#17390 Melleh 4
#17391 Kanika_kani9 4
#17392 BaconTrash 4
#17393 MagicMars 4
#17394 Lemony-Split 4
#17395 Nesryn 4
#17396 Luciferia 4
#17397 Tbonefish 4
#17398 myface2007jc11 4
#17399 Eredita 4
#17400 Umeko 4