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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#17451 dcking 4
#17452 XenophonDraike 4
#17453 Samarkand77 4
#17454 Monies 4
#17455 Bloodiath 4
#17456 Saltyette 4
#17457 Fal 4
#17458 Dreamfinder 4
#17459 lacell 4
#17460 Sallysky 4
#17461 CheckersDraws 4
#17462 OnyxVespidae 4
#17463 AlwaysIsntReal 4
#17464 Leothelion31 4
#17465 unijohn 4
#17466 Saraisb 4
#17467 Starfruit 4
#17468 NotPurpleGUy 4
#17469 Bottu 4
#17470 Annoyed_Dragon 4
#17471 IlesIsGood 4
#17473 Zekerinoarts 4
#17474 Skibblini 4
#17475 TinoMoney 4