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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#17526 kaylamour861 4
#17527 Pinky_Promise 4
#17528 Venkai 4
#17529 CurvaceousCapricorn 4
#17530 notjj234 4
#17531 starsnbarnes 4
#17532 RNGGoddess 4
#17533 mk_tragedy 4
#17534 sushitastegood 4
#17535 Alkanyrs 4
#17536 byakkun 4
#17537 Santa2007 4
#17538 scocojo 4
#17539 LotusDreams 4
#17540 Seraphina05 4
#17541 Catlover991188 4
#17542 Nonvi 4
#17543 oyster 4
#17544 MySpoons 4
#17545 XimoraHeartString 4
#17546 XxSimpAtheticxX 4
#17547 acherontia 4
#17548 satan 4
#17549 DragonTsune 4
#17550 RixxWee 4