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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#1851 Foo 83
#1852 Krillacreat 83
#1853 Inubunnie 83
#1854 then00breturns 83
#1855 lilypad57 83
#1856 AshEcho 83
#1857 NightSnipe 83
#1858 CheshireBecca 83
#1859 TaTyana3012 83
#1860 GreekLyka 83
#1861 DrakkanWolf 83
#1862 KHGuardian 83
#1863 yuriayana 83
#1864 nutik 82
#1865 jahmeel 82
#1866 keishdante 82
#1867 Staryulynn 82
#1868 Makah 82
#1869 nin5374 82
#1870 FizzyTongue 82
#1871 ducksrule101 82
#1872 Ecotro 82
#1873 dogluv02 82
#1874 BluesberryJazz 82
#1875 canineexpert 82