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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#1926 gmod 80
#1927 coocooclam 80
#1928 princessShona 80
#1929 rebelwithaZ 80
#1930 LittleMonsterFox 80
#1931 Ravensong 80
#1932 LittleWhiteDog 80
#1933 GypsyQu33n 80
#1934 Yakumo 79
#1935 forestwater1 79
#1936 milomouse 79
#1937 PhoenixFallen 79
#1938 Kestrole 79
#1939 hiba123 79
#1940 Mayoke 79
#1941 MomokoCove 79
#1942 Prism 79
#1943 Emeralddragoness 79
#1944 Duststar 79
#1945 cosmicgoddess 79
#1946 MoonPanda1713 79
#1947 iluvhorses 79
#1948 Kenziemoo 79
#1949 Asaelia 79
#1950 andrewtheduke 79