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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#2051 Pie 75
#2052 SauceBoss 75
#2053 Sen 75
#2054 MontannaGirl 75
#2055 silverspider4279 75
#2056 raach 75
#2057 shellyg 75
#2058 PhyreNite 75
#2059 Brittybit 75
#2060 0Tabbi0 75
#2061 Purrrfect 75
#2062 Blazin 75
#2063 DMFox 74
#2064 Howl 74
#2065 mercyme6 74
#2066 3mm4 74
#2067 Ryu28000 74
#2068 sonnet223 74
#2069 splosh 74
#2070 LunarHollowWolf 74
#2071 Wishbelle 74
#2072 willbob 74
#2073 Amagami 74
#2074 IngridNL 74
#2075 sierragummi 74