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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#2201 Emmelie12 70
#2202 gahl2009 70
#2203 catlover5969 70
#2204 XshortyX 70
#2205 atomicsprite 70
#2206 roseleafst 70
#2207 StellaLupus 70
#2208 Elissie 70
#2209 HazelEye131 70
#2210 yazibelle 70
#2211 Angel1602 70
#2212 saulerukas 70
#2213 AuthenticPlaid 70
#2214 nikonk2000 70
#2215 gameshy 70
#2216 Raptor_Butter 70
#2217 Nosslin 70
#2218 JezziTheLlamaLover 70
#2219 RoyalPride 69
#2220 acidicfire 69
#2221 Lops456 69
#2222 Snowbella 69
#2223 wackyJackie 69
#2224 PokemonLover417 69
#2225 OnyxSong 69