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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#2226 Kitsuned 69
#2227 wolfiebaby 69
#2228 owlz108 69
#2229 Cynder1 69
#2230 mikiimouse 69
#2231 catluva146 69
#2232 Kuragari389 69
#2233 Snufkin 69
#2234 Hugglepuff 69
#2235 yurymkd 69
#2236 KrissyBabyGurl 69
#2237 Janesmith 69
#2238 IxLOVExMINKEY 69
#2239 pokefan1300 69
#2240 cook30 69
#2241 rkane911 69
#2242 mrthaxtonsfox 69
#2243 Banish 69
#2244 SolsticeChild 69
#2245 lantirn21 69
#2246 annabudd 69
#2247 ny4life 68
#2248 Nightdragon 68
#2249 ajaros 68
#2250 tanimep 68