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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#2326 Risper 66
#2327 sorasky 66
#2328 Tonto 66
#2329 Roseshine 66
#2330 isuckatusernames 66
#2331 Kries 66
#2332 FoxyIsntAGoodGuy 66
#2333 kalema13 66
#2334 MadderBrown 66
#2335 snuffleykinz 66
#2336 RoaminRonan 66
#2337 sacrosanct 66
#2338 Roundabout 66
#2339 Rin_Rin 66
#2340 Wolfwinx 65
#2341 RedWolfHoro 65
#2342 springmaple 65
#2343 kittenkid1 65
#2344 bladestar 65
#2345 Chestnutcutie 65
#2346 Tesurikitty 65
#2347 lolo2479 65
#2348 cocatrics 65
#2349 mushfrog2 65
#2350 zennilynn 65