



Golden eyes scanned the scarred landscape. Ashen skeletons of trees stood like jagged daggers dotting the hills, pieces blowing off as the wind howled past them. One snapped off with a loud crack and came hurtling toward the Liyure. He stood motionless, not phased as the tree smashed past him, coming within inches of hitting him. Dust clouds puffed up then settled again and cracks in the earth released steam from the still-warm remnants of battle. No water remained on this desolate landscape, no life, only dust and death.

Although the landscape was still, images of the past month flashed through the Liyure’s mind. Images of glistening fangs and flashing claws. Powerful tails lashing and wings carrying some to safety and others to their doom. Broken wings flapping in the wind as their owner plummeted to the ground and the final heaves of life leaving those battling down below. Enemies in all directions, impossible to tell between friend and foe in the carnage. Numbers dwindling and the breaks becoming shorter and shorter between battles, each side wishing for nothing more than the end.

Finally, the last battle, the Liyure against a Vogar. The world stood still for a moment before they both lunged, fangs flashing and powerful paws lashing. It was the longest fight of the entire battle, and the one in which the Liyure sustained his first real injury, a deep gash down his back, the blood mingling with his fur and adding more red that almost seemed like it belonged there. It ended, the Liyure was the only one left standing.

He closed his eyes and sighed, the images finally stopping. He did not even know what he had been fighting for all this time. All he knew was that those he loved and trusted had told him he needed to, and he would never break his loyalty to them, even if it meant doing this. He turned and walked away, back to his home and to protect those he cared for, those that he would lay down his life for without a second thought. He was finally going back to his family. Truly, he would always be remembered as...


The regal, decorated Legendary stands as a symbol, an example if you will, for the rest of his pride. He has always been the pinnacle of Boonys' collection, leading the charge whilst keeping the others in line. He has the likes of War, and Wise to help. While their opinions have a sway in how things are done, Legendary is not afraid to do what he believes is right. As the first of many, he has been established as the head of Boonys' entire collection, as well as her personal friend. That fierce, commanding demeanor melts away in Boonys' presence, as he becomes putty in her hands. He doesn't behave this way with anyone else, Boonys knows he's as sweet as can be and has become a proud, loyal companion to her. Nonetheless, he is known by all his fellow liyures as a natural leader and would gladly lay down his life for them. As a result, their loyalty amongst each other is unmatched, and awe inspiring to observe.

Story by wolfspirit25
Biography by Raizaki
OAK Design by Wildflower
Wallpaper by 3mmique
Coding by Rhian
