

The Albino Veram, Barista Captain

Instructions for Steaming Milk
Milk is the beginning of all delicious lattes, flat whites, cappuccinos and all manner of incredible espresso based beverages. It is important to aerate the milk for 3 seconds or more while preparing a hot beverage. The steam wand tip should create a sound similar to ripping paper while it forces pressurized air into the milk. Then, you'll want to lower the wand until it creates a whirlpool effect in your steaming milk. This whirlpool forms the microbubbles which will give your final beverage the velvety richness it deserves. You will know your milk is done steaming when the pitcher is uncomfortable to the touch. Turn off the steam wand before removing it from your perfectly-foamed milk. Prepare the rest of your hot, caffeinated beverage and enjoy.

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