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Everything has music, has a rhythm, all its own
From the furthest star to the nearest, smallest stone
It's in each tiny part of that which we call home
Knows that it is needed, that it never was alone.

Close your eyes and listen to the drumming in your heart
That sudden thrill as trumpets shrill and thus they take their part
The sharpened edge of violin, the gentle notes of harp
Beneath it all the organ, setting it apart...

Your own voice raised, a fluting call amongst the chorus loud
Not fighting to be heard, just an echo in the crowd
Each note serves to buttress that which has yet to come
It's never been about one note, but about the sum.

It's hard to tell the genre here, each hears a different cue
From country to more classical, or an upbeat, jazzy blues
Pop music loud, or maybe a softer, sad refrain
The music may be constant but the listener can change...

For all things have music, if you only learn to hear
And none of us as lonely as our nightmares make us fear
Each of us a part of something, written long ago
The music and the melody, not caring, only grows.

Written by the brilliant Oz

♫ Artemis - Jay ♫