

Cocoa Powder + Empty Potion Bottle + Drop of Synthetic Magic + Cherries = Chocolate Elixir Cocoa Powder + Milk + Stick of Butter + Sugar Box = Chocolate Fudge Spaghetti + Cocoa Beans + Red Bottle Overflowing with Chocolate = Chocolate Spaghetti Surprise Spaghetti + Cocoa Beans + Blue Bottle Overflowing with Chocolate = Chocolate Spaghetti Surprise Spaghetti + Cocoa Beans + Yellow Bottle Overflowing with Chocolate = Chocolate Spaghetti Surprise Cocoa Powder + Plain Flour Bag + Sugar Cube + Stick of Butter = Brownie Potion of Strength + Peanut Chocolate Bar + Bag of Popcorn = Chocolate Power Bar