Posted by WindWalker at 08 March, 2011 Forest pets aren't that bad depending on the pet xD I wouldn't pick up natties unless they were really rare, colored just look a lot better. I developed a favorite color pet and now i aim for only that color (albinos) my sister is the same way with blondes
Posted by WindWalker at 08 March, 2011 cute pets! I only ever keep colored ones (non naturals) mostly albinos i still think ur pets are cute though <3 you like mine?
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Forest pets aren't that bad depending on the pet xD I wouldn't pick up natties unless they were really rare, colored just look a lot better. I developed a favorite color pet and now i aim for only that color (albinos) my sister is the same way with blondes
cute pets! I only ever keep colored ones (non naturals) mostly albinos i still think ur pets are cute though <3 you like mine?