Rescreatu Pet Quiz!
Your Result: You are a Kioka!

The Kioka is a strange and mysterious Creatu. From the moment it first emerges from its egg to the day it dies, the Kioka's hooves never touch the ground. Even in sleep this Creatu continues to float as though gravity never existed. Stranger still is the glossy ribbon which makes the Kioka famous. The mothers will wrap a ribbon from their own bodies around their child's egg. After the baby hatches it carries this ribbon everywhere it goes. As it matures the ribbon grows and multiplies and tangles itself around the creatu. No one is certain of the exact purpose of these ribbons for the Creatu, but they are said to be one of the finest materials known to man. For this reason the Kioka were hunted to near extinction making them the rare and elusive Creatu they are today.

You are a Omni!
You are a Easero!
You are a Jaaku!
You are a ... uh... chimby! yeah... thats it
Rescreatu Pet Quiz!
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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