All hands, this is the Captain.

We're about to enter unexplored space.

I know you're all just as excited as I am,

And I know you're all going to do your best.

So... let's give this everything we've got,

and... may the Force be with you.

Creatu Collection Showcase

Somewhere out beyond the stars
My lover waits for me
It doesn't matter just how far
One day, I'll set them free
Something deep inside my soul
Tells me that they know
Just what they will mean to me
One day, our love will glow

Oh I don't know, I cannot guess
Just how long the journey is
Or just what dangers I will face
In getting there...
But if the others found themselves
A better half, a lasting love
Then surely that too waits,
Somewhere for me?

Something dark, a demon stirs
What if they were never real
What if these dreams and visions
Are all I'll ever feel?
Or what if I did find them, once
And just walked on, unknowingly
Sacrificed that which I've always sought
And denied destiny?

--- written by the glorious Tiberius <3

When single shines the triple sun

What was sundered
and undone

Shall be whole,
the Two made One

By Gelfling hand
or else by none.

Slytherin // Thunderbird // Drenchen // Dauntless // Fire Nation // Instinct // Reiflem