I hurl into the moment like I'm standing at the edge
What's up? I'm Chezuu/Chez/Zuu.
None of my things are for sale yo', so don't ask. I do occasionally do random acts of kindness where I toss things at people so hold out for that if you fancy anything I've got.
This place has changed a load since I was last here, but here's a mini explanation of myself - I'm Chez, I'm 24 years old, a lady, I like all animals but especially dogs, as I have three! I'm 5'4 and a natural redhead, and I like a ton of crap. Seriously just ask.
I hear the voices and they're calling for me now
Help I need food for my pets please!
You spend real life money to get them =u= there's a link in the credit shop.
how do you get cash points?
Chezuuuuu. ;o
Congratzzles Mama Chez~