Hi! I'm Cless, a coder here! My job is to work on the new version of Rescreatu! I'm not responsible for the current version, but I occasionally do things for the current version because I care about the site. Feel free to chat with me! I prefer Skype. :)
hi i like your pets do you want to give any to me? because they look like they are dying and i would love to feed them then give them back to you is that ok and i promise that i keep all the promises that i mack you can even ask i will get back to you who you should ask like my feriend lulu but i have not memorized the thing that she goes by so that is why i will get back to you just rmail me what you think and if not that is fine your pets might die though and io was just trying to help if you needed any just so you know
Feed your pets! D:
Pet auctions, lol