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Recolor by Sayn

Hello All!

Welcome to my page! This is a WIP at the moment. I believe I am currently the first pla[injection]yer on Res to own an entire complete collection of basic and dye colored Mirabilis' (11-14-09) If I'm wrong, someone correct me:]

Let's try this again! I'm Eclipse. I've been off and on Res for quite a while, currently back from my latest hiatus, and hopefully here to stay for good,. I've always loved Res, just tend to get extremely busy.

I will Zap your pets, for any amount donation, whether it's 50 tu or 500,000 tu, however much you can afford or feel is fair. I WILL NOT zap pets unless we are both online, so DO NOT send me your pet unless we are talking in the SB. I can't be responsible for getting your pet back to you quickly if I'm not online.

Check out my Rancher shop for some good deals,on well named and RWN pets.

I'm super friendly and love talking and helping so Rmail me if you want to chat. That's it for now, will have more later.
SELECTED - BleepBloop
ID: 2067156
Species: RSTU001
Color: uldavian
Gender: Female
Age: 4702
Level: 1
Health: 19/19
Hunger: not hungry
Power: 3
Defense: 6
Agility: 7
Intellect: 0
Nourishment: 0
Squishies: 0
Rarity: 0%
Status: Healthy
Emotion: Neutral
Birthday: 2011-06-17 01:44:36