Note to staff: Got new laptop. Might still use my father's computer time to time.

- I DO NOT accept random friend requests.
- None of my showroom or profile pets are for sale or trade unless stated otherwise.

To do list:

Colors to change -
- [x] Bean Ancylostoma albino
- [x] Bean Giardia calico
- [x] Bean Flathead calico
- [] Bean Ortensia achromatic
- [x] Bean Drifts achromatic
- [x] Bean Enalapril silver
- [x] Bean Evacuate achromatic
- [x] Bean Goatee achromatic

Pets to change -
- [x] Morph Coccidia into a Wyrae
- [x] Tag Nanite onto an RSTU001
- [x] Morph Evacuate into a Wyrae
- [x] Morph Waterwraith into a Wyrae

Names to find -
- [] Chuckles
- [] Aviation
- [] Navy

Names Wanted but Will Probably Never Have -
- Dylan
- Arrow
- Ali
- Knight
- Hunter
- Prince
- Chase
- Diesel

General Wants -
- All Zaphao Colors (natural, dyes, and mutants): 7/10 naturals, 9/9 dyes, 2/9 mutants
- Rose Roditore
- Indigo Kayoki
- Rose Paor
- Mutant Indigo Ardur
- Albino Zaphao
- Azure Veram
- Calico Tesuri
- Albino Vogar