
I mostly am still new, joined a few months ago
Im so grateful for my friends here :)
I'm addicted to getting more special pets so all my TU from eggs goes there
Favorite pets are Veram, Tesurai, Leverene, Liyure, Iluvu, Ezahni, Easero.
NOT SELLING/Doing ANYTHING CURRENT ON MINI HIATUS-few days- bc rl stuff, will still log if possible talk if can Thank you list!!
*OMG PAPYRUS *DIES* *thank you for the Ezahni, my first cs eggu <3
*thank you for the Rose Dye Kit, Epona!! (still picking pet-Likely a well named Veram)
*thank you for the trance potion Oddessia (using on Ligressy most likely!!)<3<3
*thank you Oddessia for the iluvu eggu on derp day aaaa!
*thank you Kina for the Aerix egg on derp day <3 so so awesomeeeeeee <3
thank you also to the user who gave me the sakura monkey I am spacing on your name *so sorry I forgot to edit this sooner* *thank you Slytherin for Algrim the Undead Trance Ardur <3 squeeeeee <3
*thank you Excelscia for Draqueca the Undead Draqua <3
* thank you Malik for Espadri the Silver Veram yayyyy pretty baby :D
* thank you FlamingFox for Smushed !! my new spider bab <3 :D
and thank you to Tiberius as well for all your lovely generosity including my calico kitty and fishie

I was given a liyure once but then it got taken back so theres that :/ *sadface*
((I do wish to have 1 or more pet of each cs eggs but I dont have irl money for))
Jahra egg or pet already hatched with good name, Trance Liyure, Frostlight pets in lime or azure, Undead pets
Colors- UNDEAD, MUTANT, FROSTLIGHT...most calicos, black, indigo, rose
About me
newbie but not new to petsites ** 80 child **
I do crafts- mostly latchhook, drawing, repainting my little ponies(not taking commish on either as Im too slow)
**A.D.D and chronic pain, space cadet
**a tiny blue parrotlet owns my soul**
I love law and order,adventure time,tim burton anything, alice in wonderland, anime (except sports genre) alternative/rock music, rainbows, monsterhigh, mylittlepony esp 80s ones, the last unicorn, zelfs, nerd stuffs

LONGTERM site goals: buy pets with good to great names (I shop around cause I still dont have tons of money) then otherwise and dip or paint them-possibly give some away to new users :),buy dye kits to use, hatch pets I love. giveaway nattie pets sometimes or items related to galleries (dont ask please its random usually on sb), make galleries possibly. Note:I do buy names to resell sometimes but usually I buy to keep or gift.If I mail you to haggle its unlikely I will ever part with the pet and I never sell gift pets.**
Respals: I add people who have been kind to me or otherwise interest me. I don't mind friend requests but please talk to me somewhere LOL

Darkfurir is my sister in real life who lives in michigan (Im in oregon) so I will be sending her eggs as she doesnt have lots of time to hunt them

use links there on taskbar to search up to 10x a day or release a unwanted pet for someone to adopt
at Get a free item daily -Trash Isthmus
Spring Dip
-can turn your active pet colors or lose tu so use at own risk
If you put your pets in your showroom they don't need to be fed or age so if you are low on food try that until you can afford feeding again
USE THE FORUMS-they are good.
Newbie packs forum thread

Do not have any trophies yet.

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