for 3mmique's Graphics & Art Comissions!

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

What Type of Dragon are you?
Your Result: Awesome Pendragon

You are the Awesome Pendragon. Pendragons get along well with just about any other type of dragon, especially other Pendragon. They live really long, nothing too exciting (unless they get themselves caught in some sort of adventure) and usually go with the flow. They live in castle areas, and get along with all of the inhabitants of the area.

Fire Dragon
Light Dragon
Dark Dragon
Storm Dragon
Ice Dragon
Earth Dragon
Water Dragon
What Type of Dragon are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
What Type of Psychic Power do You Possess?
Your Result: You can see the future

When something is going to happen, you know the exact time and date. Even if you are unsure of how to use your powers, I'm sure you've shown signs. This is one of the coolest types of psychic powers you can have.

You can see and feel ghosts
You can move things with your mind
You can read minds
What Type of Psychic Power do You Possess?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz