Sobolan of Atquati

About me:
Fave Creatu: Sirleon and Quelis
Current Fave Pet: Tied. Cirrina, Scaeurgus, though Hinauri ties for looks, and Kohara and Ikaroa tie for names.
First Pet: Takaroa (cream stardusted Sirleon. He was my first beaned pet, too)
Fave Color: Depends on what for? Orange, green, blue; bright colors.
Where I'm from: Originally, New England; Lived in Los Angeles for a long time, now in South Carolina. So, I'm from all over.
Pets: 2 cats, 1 dog, though the dog is really my fiance's. He tolerates me. Er, the dog. The fiance actually likes me.
Age: Adult, but sometimes I fail at the adulting, lol
Birthday: April 1 (I guess this makes me Derpy?) You should know: I am kinda shy and sometimes awkward. Once I have relaxed and trust you though, you won't find a more loyal friend.

Goals:(in no particular order)
[x] One of each natural color Sirleon
[x] One of each dyed color Sirleon
[ ] Stardust all my Sirleons
[ ] One of each dyed mutant Sirleon
[ ] After every color Sirleon, start on Quelises
[x] Make Cirrina trance
[x] Get a Cyid. I was going to cosmic him, but he's dusted instead. Pretty!
[ ] Get another Wyrae, in a different color
[ ] Maybe a Liyure?(never happen, but its good to dream)

[ ] Put together a thing explaining my pets names, most of them mean something. Blog maybe?
[ ] Write a story good enough to get made into a book on site
[ ] Write backstories for my Perma-Pets, something for their pages
[ ] Figure out the best place to post my other Res Stories
[ ] Find some people on Res to RP with

[ ] Trade my Albino Saruka Kurta for a Natural Saruka Kurta
[x] Ocean background for my HA
[ ] Beach background for my HA

[x] Work up the nerve to chat in the chatbox. Everyone is nice- though I still feel wierd, like I'm crashing a party.
[ ] Save a billion Tu (as impossible as a Liyure! lol)

MAKE YOUR OWN PRETTY AVATAR PICTURE HERE (I wish I could draw like that.)