Right now, I'm looking for names from Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna, especially the following:
If you've seen any of these creatu, or any other creatu with names related to Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna, please let me know.

Friend requests are open, by the way. Just not random ones. If I've had a decent-length conversation with you, it's safe to say that I'll accept if you add me. :3

Sylphie's favorite quote today: "I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?" -Jean Kerr

As of January 5th, 2009, I am back in school. This means I unfortunately will be unable to get on Rescreatu nearly so often as I did over break. D: I will still be on, of course, it'll just be much harder to get in cotact with me. Sorry for any inconvienience it may have caused!