Welcome, weary traveler!

I'm TELEPATH, also known as Professor X, Charles, or Fang. Don't let my account age fool you -- I'm much better on Res than you'd expect! (Hint: I've been here before!) Please don't hesitate to shoot me an rmail about anything -- I love to talk and make new friends!

LIKES: The Avengers, X-Men: First Class, Digimon, Mumford & Sons, Skrillex, Pocket Frogs, my pet Marimo, cosplaying, roleplaying, grayscale, being on Tumblr

Before you rmail me asking about my profile, I work on several other sites doing coding work -- I know a thing or two about HTML/CSS and graphic work, and I built this profile just for me! I'm not comfortable enough doing them for others just yet, so please don't ask me to!

SHADOWSTRIKE and FIREELF are the coolest people ever! And SCISSORHANDS is my sister!


The Photographer...............The Sergeant................The Thunder God................The Director................The Femme Fatale
The War Machine...................The Captain........................The CEO............................The Agent...................The Shapeshifter
The Metalbender..................The Trickster.................The Billionaire..................The Scientist............................The Lovers
The Archer ...............................The Brit.......................The Professor