n e v e r t r u s t y o u r p e r c e p t i o n. h a v e f a i t h i n t h e i r i s.
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Hey, it's Visibility, though I go by many names. I'm pretty new here- but I'm finding my way around. :) Feel free to drop a line- I love to chat.
T h e b a s i c s :
-Photographer/Digital Artist
-Almost, almost vegetarian! :D
-At times, randomly obsessive
-Animal lover
-Aspiring writer and musician
and more, but my mind fails me as of now.
Like many of you out there, music is my life. I plan on studying music in post secondary, and I plan on writing my own once I get the time.
I will be forever in love with classical and metal music. Those two genres hae saved me countless times from the rigidness that is life itself...even though I will admit that I am quite the annoying, prickly elitist at times. Do forgive me. I try to be open-minded- which I generally succeed at. A brief, friendly debate always sparks my interest too. :)
F i n d. m e. o n :
=u>Wajas: 94763
Deviantart: krhimzohn.deviantart.com
Image used in background (c) Vanerich@dA