My Black CS pets are currently at other homes ^^
Bold (Black Liyure) is with Shadowwolf199
Allune (Black Cyid) is with 14brokenmirrors
Future (Black Kioka) was with Uwibami :(
Ketaro (Black Aerix) is with Demotional
Natari (Black Ezahni) is with Lathrine (and very happy ;))
:C I'm evil, so I'm use to it. -shot- 8C What pet is you taking?!
Well Niney is a loser so its okay. C8 ;P I still am going to steal Future when your not looking... LOOK SOMEONE IS STEALING YOUR SHAEFU EGGS -points to random spot- :D
8C Make that Bold since you solf Fate. -I think-
Oh and... C: -steals Future and Fate- >8D MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
I <3 Wolfy~!! :3 To add to your comments by other people :D