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Hello, I'm Ashwing, calicocats45's kitten! To
get a kitten of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm Max, calicocats45's puppy! To
get a puppy of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm Zippy, Calicocats45's fishy! To
get a fishy of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm Willow, Calicocats45's horse! To
get a horse of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm Mira, Calicocats45's lion cub! To
get a lion cub of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm Rusty, Calicocats45's fox kit! To
get a fox kit of your own, click here.

Hello, I'm Sam, Calicocats45's python! To
get a python of your own, click here.
What Creatu Species are YOU!?
Your Result: Tesuri

resultYou must belong to another planet, because you're out of this world. Well traveled or just knowledgeable, you want to see the world, or just the outside of your house. You are a helpful person who's kindness could heal the whole world and your loyalty is unmatched.

What Creatu Species are YOU!?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
hatchable valabex colours: 4/8 Dye kit valabex colours: 1/?
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