Stop adding coding to your profile. It makes it harder to do the Halloween & Valentine's events.
Thought you should know that Taka has a black easero for sale for 1.4 million tu. I saw you like black lets and last time i looked you didnt have a black easero yet.
I don't like it when I get cheated out of pets by people who beg the owner to close the auction early, so I won't cheat anyone else out of pets. I don't close pet auctions early. If you want a pet, you can wait just like everyone else.
If you're looking to get one of the Creatu that I have on Auction, you will have to wait until the auction ends. Please do not bother me with trying to buy the creatu from me if you can't afford the "Buy Now" price. You will just have to wait until the auction is over like everyone else.