I will be leaving Res for a while, and if I come on, it will be to check any r-mails or stocks. If you send me an rmail, please don't get annoyed if I don't reply!Thank you=) Hot Text - http://www.sparklee.com


A big thanks to Tryst for making my lovely Easero banner =)

Hello and welcome to my profile! Call me anything you like, it really doesn't matter to me. I love reading, writing (hoping to publish a book one day), and watching anime and reading manga, my favorites being Bleach, Vk, Naruto,Gakuen Alice,and Death Note. I also play the violin and piano. My favorite pets on Res are zennies, meragons, and draquas. I love all of the CS pets too, especially kiokas.I'll accept any random Respal requests, so feel free to send them to me=).None of my profile pets are for sale, so please don't ask! I have two computers at my house, and I sometimes play on other friend's computers too, so please don't ban me!Thanks,and feel free to look around!

My natural colored zennie collection has been completed!

Draqua Collection:







Albino( )

If you have any unwanted draquas or draqua eggs, please send them over! I would really appreciate it!

Animology Quiz!
Your Result: Teal Cat!

You're a Teal Cat! You're a very smart person, but because of you're brains, you have guts too! You're very sneaky and brave, but tend to sometimes get into trouble. You have a very sweet personality, but you know not to be "too sweet". Everyone loves and respects you! ♥

Pink Giraffe!
Violet Panda!
Yellow Wolf!
Tan Platypus!
Animology Quiz!
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Toshiro Pictures, Images and Photos Shiro-Chan!!

Do not have any trophies yet.

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