
My profile pets are NOT for sale. So. Don't ask.

profile by Horselova! ^^


seeker of truth

follow no path
all paths lead where

truth is here


About Me

Picture by Nekayne! :D

Your Message Has Been Put on Hold

Hello, yes, look over here please! My name is Harja, and I am Jello's first and favorite creatu. Are you looking for her? She's not here much right now, unfortunately. I've been watching things for her. She's off exploring the magical realm of college, learning Japanese and eating too much ramen. In the unlikely case that you'd like to reach her, shoot her an rmail -- she'll get to it as soon as she comes online. If you're here because you want to buy the lovelies in her showroom, though, think twice. She has a rancher for a reason; you can find her sales there. To repeat: Do not rmail asking to offer on creatu in the showroom. You will be ignored, or instructed on how to use the creatu search.

Go ahead and explore while you're here! The house itself is closed, of course, but if you go around the back you'll find the pastures. That's where all of Jello's other creatu are living right now. There's some nice paths that will take you through all of the best parts -- make sure you stop and see Jello's gondra collection! She's particularly fond of it. And don't forget to stop in and see my cousins in the zennirix forest!

Creatu Goals

[x] Albino Meragon - Rippling
[x] Obtain omni - Configuration
[x] hatch kioka - Ranora
[x] Obtain liyure- Tamiria
[x] Hatch Ivik - Nyril, Carish, and Nysen. :3
[x] One of every CS pet

Completed Collections (excluding dye colors & achro):
draqua, drindian, gondra, kayoki, meiko, meragon, mirabilis, myotis, otachie, sirleon, uilus, zenirix

Completed dye collections:
drindian, gondra, otachie

Collections in progress:
ardur (need calico), aukira (need calico), paor (need calico), quelis (need calico and ginger), veram (need calico), zaphao (need calico)

Ta ta for now :)
Feel free to look around. Check out my showroom, rancher shop and whatnot. Just don't get bitten by the rabid veram.

....Not that there are any.
-shifty eyes-