Hi, this is Perfume Person's profile. I am a newer member to Rescreatu. I have a store that you can look at that will be updated shortly (called Perfume). I also have a growing amount of pets, food, etc. I highly appreciate gifts, items, and other things as well. Thank you for checking out my profile, to be updated. :]
-Earn 10k [X]
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-Have a Successful Banner/Graphic Shop [X]
-I like friends who are supportive and funny.
-I like simple, cute pets.
-I like finding good prices and bargains.
-I like fashion and clothing.
-I like being sent gifts.
-I don't like rude or mean people.
-I don't like people who argue and disagree with everything.
-I love purple and turquoise.
-I love perfume!
I am starting banners/pet pages. I charge nothing (free). I appreciate tips.
My Forum for Banners -> http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/arts/gfx/perfume-039-s-banner-shop/~page/1/
I do text for layouts and profiles. Rmail me for details. (like the purple boxes on mine but you can customize them)
I have a shop. It is called Perfume. Items are usually cheap, but I always can make them cheaper for people with little money.
Here are some banners, art, and graphics that I have bought, requested, and loaded onto my page.
I would like to recognize the following people for their banners and art:
Veraz: Simple but cute designs, charges fit any budget. Thank you!
Created by Veraz.
You can only comment on the profile's of your ResPals.
What type of banners and graphics are you looking for right now? Rmail me!
I have opened my banner shop! Visit the forums to check it out!
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perfumeperson's Account ID #: 126228 Last seen: 2010-08-06 20:36:15 Gender: female Joined: 2010-07-15 16:42:20 Home Planet: Scria Tu: 156,448 Relking Coins: 0 Cash Points: 0
Avatars: 6
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Blog: New Banner Shop View Showroom
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...Sorry about the double post. My computer's being spazzy.
Hey you! 8D I'm back from my trip. <3 You are growing up so fast... *sniffles* O_O I'm just kidding. But seriously, lol, your profile is awesomessauce. <3
Hey you! 8D I'm back from my trip. <3 You are growing up so fast... *sniffles* O_O I'm just kidding. But seriously, lol, your profile is awesomessauce. <3