"There is no such thing as happy endings in love, because if it's real love, it never ends." -Shelbimonkey11..
My friends told you that you broke my heart, and you just said; "I did? Well, I will go get some tape." O_o You could've at least offerd Super Glue! Hello, Im Shelbi. I like to roleplay, play football,soccer,basketball, and swim. I Like to read, and hang with my friends,I also like to write storys.At the moment, Im a little upset, Until things work out (Personal reasons), I will be semi depressed...Or maybe a little antsocial..
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Where are you?:c
-tackles Shelbi- You are missed in to roleplaying forum. Mostly by me...
-tackles Shelbi- You are missed in to roleplaying forum. Mostly by me...
your awesome!