Me Absaloutly Loves German Shepherds!! href=''>What dog breed are you? I'm a German Shepherd! Find out at
What Breed of Dog Are You?
Your Result: German Shepard

German Shepards are great energetic dogs. They are great police dogs and working dogs, plus they're very active. It's always a joy to have German Shepards around to help you with everything. Police dogs, working dogs, wow you can get the job done in 5 minutes if you have friends!

Jack Russel Terrier
German Short Haired Pointer
Labrador Retriever
What Breed of Dog Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
you are 81% german shepherd

good,you passed the test which shows that you are ready for a should be very proud of yourself because any dog will love you. because you do know how to care for them.

what dog breed are you?
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What breed of dog are you?
Your Result: German Shepherd

People often describe you as a noble person. You value loyalty and honor. You take pride of everything you do even if no one is watching. You are the person that everyone can rely on to do the right thing under any circumstance. Family is something that means a lot to you. You will stop at nothing to protect what you love.

Siberian Husky
Border Collie
Labrador Retriever
Pit Bull
What breed of dog are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

What Breed of Dog Are You?
German Shepard You have quite a temper and are very protective of your friends and family. You are very intellegant and love to be challenged. You exel in demanding jobs and tend to be kind of, all work no play.
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What kind of dog are you?
German Shepherd You are completley loyal to your master. You growl at anyone that seems suspicious to you. You attack you Masters persuers on Que. You have a scary bark. You will atack anyone that hurts your master. You are braver than a golden retriver but, less agressive than a pitbull. You are the perfect family dog. You are great with kids and cats. Whenever someone walks in the yard or knocks on the door you warn your master that someone is there. You are all togeather the perfect dog.
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