September 18, 2011 - Mutant Creatu

Introducing Mutant Creatu




The above 8 creatu can now be hatched as Mutants! Mutant creatu are a brand new feature we've added to the hatchery. Upon visiting the hatchery you will see a table that shows the chances for hatching mutant creatu. The chance of hatching a mutant creatu depends on how old the egg is. The more the egg has rotted, the greater the chance to hatch a mutant. 

Mutant creatu only come in their natural hatch color. You can, however, use Dye Kits on them. Mutant Creatu also only have two forms - baby & adult. As of right now you cannot search for Mutant creatu or see them in the Pet Directory, but those features will be coming soon. 


 Happy hatching! 

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September 18, 2011 - Weekly Raffle Results!

The results are in! The winner for this weeks raffle was Zaefyra! Congratulations! The winning pot was 6,620,300 tu.

The raffle has been reset, and you may now buy tickets for next weeks drawing.

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September 13, 2011 - Bug Fixes

We are still hard at working fixing all the glitches and bugs you guys have reported. Here are just a few that we have fixed since yesterday.


Certain users cannot be sent tu from the Reiflem Bank.
TU sends to "username" if the user accidentally presses the "Send" button without editing the username field.
Natural Colored Jelly Beans cannot be used on any pet colors other than natural.
Trance potions cannot be used on pets - an error message is given: Sorry, this color is not available for your creatu!
Dye Kits cannot be used to dye pets - an error message is given: Sorry, this color is not available for your creatu!
Pets cannot be priced, and already-priced pets cannot have their price edited in Rancher shops using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Rancher Shop name & description cannot be edited using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Showrooms cannot be created using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Showroom categories cannot be edited using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Showroom name & description cannot be edited using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
When trying to view categories in Rancher Shops or Showrooms, you are taken back to your own Shop/Showroom instead of the filter being applied to the showroom you are in.
Support Tickets do not send when using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
When using openable items, item images are not displayed, only the message: After opening this item, you have found the following item(s):
When viewing the Credit Shop on Internet Explorer, the page contents appear broken.
- The link to the Library is broken under Games >> Skill.
- Human Avatar cannot be saved because buttons are too far down the page.


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September 11, 2011 - Weekly Raffle Results!

The results are in! The winner for this weeks raffle was Katkandyfloss! Congratulations! The winning pot was 6,579,725 tu.

The raffle has been reset, and you may now buy tickets for next weeks drawing.

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September 10, 2011 - New Mouth and Eyes


Your Human Avatars now have some new facial features avalible.

You have 4 new mouths to choose from and a new set of eyes avalible in all eye colors.

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