Bazaar of the Bizarre
Open most days about 9 or 10. Occasionally as ealy as 7, but somedays as late as 12 or 1.
We close about 5:30 or 6, sometimes about 4 or 5. But occasionally as late as 7 or 8. Somedays or afternoons we aren't here at all and lately, I've been here just about all the time except when I'm someplace else. :)
Please use the categories ^^
Gold Open Heart Leggings (x 5)
Grape Ice Pop (x 2)
Grape Lollipop (x 8)
Green Apple Lip Gloss (x 7)
Green Calla Lily Flower (x 7)
Green Frosting Cookie (x 3)
Ham and Pineapple Pizza (x 11)
Happy Easter Card (x 1)
Hibiscus Flower (x 1)
Hot and Spicy Chips (x 2)
Hot Dog With Ice Cream (x 4)
Hot Dog With Mustard (x 3)
Ice Flower (x 1)
Kindreds Double Set Wings (x 1)
Large Smoothed Driftwood (x 20)
Lemon Doughnut (x 16)
Lemon Gummy Lion Tails (x 2)
Lemon Ice Pop (x 1)
Lemon Lollipop (x 6)
Lemon Polo Shirt (x 2)
Less Than Slash Three (x 6)
Licorice Flavored Gum (x 6)
Licorice Jaaku Lolli (x 1)
Light Denim Skinny Jeans (x 1)
Light Freckles (x 2)
Lime Gummy Paw (x 6)
Long New Year Beard (x 1)
Luxury Caramel Candy (x 4)
Luxury Mystery Candy (x 1)
Mardi Gras Recipe Card (x 1)
Meatball Sandwich (x 6)
Mens Light Denim Jacket (x 2)
Noctis Scarf (x 1)
Noctis Shield (x 1)
Noctis Whip (x 1)
Onion Rings (x 2)
Orange Eclair (x 12)
Orange Flavor Stix (x 10)
Orange Frosted Doughnut with Sprinkles (x 4)
Orange Juice Bottle (x 4)
Orange Lollipop (x 3)
Painted Goiba Egg (x 1)
Painted Kayoki Egg (x 1)
Painted Meiko Egg (x 1)
Painted Myotis Egg (x 1)
Painted Otachie Egg (x 1)
Pink Open Heart Gloves (x 4)
Pink Open Heart Leggings (x 4)
Pink Thread (x 6)
Plain Cookie (x 1)
Poinsettias (x 5)
Poo Lollipop (x 1)
Red Open Heart Gloves (x 1)
Red Open Heart Leggings (x 5)
Reiflem Berries (x 3)
Rubber Ducky (x 10)
Sabachie (x 1)
Salt and Vinegar Chips (x 1)
Shattered Glass Heart (x 7)
Shed Spider Skin (x 2)
Short Green Cloak (x 4)
Silver Stardust Hair (x 2)
Slice of Very Vanilla Cake (x 13)
Snow Blower (x 5)
Sour Apple Lollipop (x 4)
Stim the Space Invader Figurine (x 3)
Tiny Clam Shell (x 19)
Toilet Paper Launcher (x 1)
Tomato (x 15)
Ultra Mega Supreme Pizza (x 5)
Undead Club (x 2)
Vanilla Cupcake (x 6)
Vanilla Lollipop (x 2)
White Open Heart Boots (x 4)
Winter Kioka Squishy (x 1)
Winter Paor Squishy (x 2)
Winter Shaefu Squishy (x 2)
Zaphao Oni Mask (x 2)
Zombie Bite (x 1)