Plain Parlour
Mostly selling quest collectable items, and creatu beanies - <br> but there are some very rare items floating about in here too! <br><br> I'm very open to haggling, so if you've got a price or trade in mind, rmail me :D
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Black Tesuri Beanie (x 2)
Black Valabex Beanie (x 3)
Blonde Zaphao Beanie (x 8)
Calico Vaspi Beanie (x 6)
Christmas Smoothie (x 1)
Cool Pink Sunglasses (x 1)
Cool Purple Sunglasses (x 1)
Cool Red Sunglasses (x 1)
Cream Veram Beanie (x 4)
Cucumber (x 1)
Cyan Glowstick Bracelet (x 3)
Cyid Wind Up Toy (x 2)
Magenta Striped Leggings (x 1)
Mashed Sweet Potatoes (x 5)
Red Spiral Sandals (x 1)
Sepia Valabex Beanie (x 2)
Sepia Vaspi Beanie (x 3)
Silver Valabex Beanie (x 1)
Undead Misty Sugar Cone (x 1)