Gummy Worms
Magic Squishies under "It's Magic!", rmail if interested. The 5bil ones specifically, I don't expect to sell for that much. But willing to look at offers of tu/CP and RNs/RWNs. Don't be afraid to rmail me about them!
Slayer Blood Charm Pendant (x 3)
Sleigh Bell (x 1)
Strawberry Marshmallow Cookie (x 1)
Sun Tail of Questionable Origin (x 3)
Terry the Smart T-Rex Squishy (x 1)
Tired Eyes (x 2)
Tropical Romper (x 1)
Undead xeeroh Doll (x 1)
Unknown Balloon (x 1)
Uwibami Strap on Wings & Tail (x 1)
Whale Squishy (x 1)
White Easter Egg (x 1)
Who You Gunna Call (x 1)
xeeroh Rotten Candy Apple (x 3)
xeerohs Guide to Undead Survival (x 3)