Ghostly Wares
Your footsteps echo along with your creatu's as you step into the shade eying the walls nervously. As you walk in the dark environment your eyes begin to adjust to the gloom and you can just make out a sign.
Ghostly Wares
you take a minute to read the faded purple letters before looking down and seeing a door, you open the aged wood door and are greeted to the warm colors of the rustic shop. as you step inside the small store you see various items lining the shelves many of which seem quite random and others being rather valuable, as you walk through the impossibly large shop you can see a silvery gold shape flit to the back of the shop to a door made of hanging strings of beads. soon after the beads quiver and a strange figure slips through they seem to waver like a glitchy hologram and they seem to drip with liquid shadow they have long pink hair and small antlers they are dome kind of non human being like you have never seen the silver and gold shape hovers by their shoulder revealing to be an omni, in your shock at the strange sight you freeze for a moment, and they begin to speak
Hello Welcome to my shop here I sell the bits and bobs I pick up on my adventures across this universe