Thehippis Rare Item Shop
Rare items and other things
Purple Plastic Easter Egg (x 5)
Purple Present (x 1)
Purple Prism Shard (x 2)
Purple Pull Along Dinosaur (x 1)
Purple Puppy Beanie (x 2)
Purple Rabid Pumpkin (x 5)
Purple Rock Candy Heart (x 9)
Purple Tie Dye Headband (x 37)
Purple Witch Hat (x 11)
Qesque Hexacat Goody Bag (x 2)
Qesque Hexacat Gumballs (x 1)
Qesque Staff Squishy (x 20)
Quartz (x 2)
Queen Axolotl Squishy (x 1)
Queen Bee Squishy (x 52)
Queen of Hearts Collar (x 1)
Quelis Face Mask (x 3)
Quelis Ink Peanuts (x 2)
Quelis Stocking (x 1)
Quelis Surfboard (x 1)
Rabbit Buddy (x 1)
Rabbit Easter Card (x 2)
Rabid Pumpkin (x 10)
Radical Yellow Glasses (x 2)
Radioactive Recipes (x 1)
Radioactive Taffy (x 10)
Radioactive Xray Gloves (x 1)
Radioactive Xray Leggings (x 1)
Radioactive Xray Socks (x 1)
Radioactive Xray Top (x 1)
Rain Hat (x 1)
Rainbow Breeze Bag (x 1)
Rainbow Candy Tape (x 2)
Rainbow Cotton Candy (x 2)
Rainbow Frisbee (x 1)
Rainbow Gauge Earrings (x 5)
Rainbow Grilled Cheese (x 1)
Rainbow Gummy Rat (x 2)
Rainbow Iluvu Gloves (x 1)
Rainbow Iluvu Tail (x 1)
Rainbow Iluvusicle (x 1)
Rainbow Meragon Pinata (x 1)
Rainbow Popcorn (x 2)
Rainbow Prism (x 1)
Rainbow Rock Candy (x 14)
Rainbow Scale (x 2)
Rainbow Vaspi Macaron (x 1)
Rancher Class Token (x 1)
Rancher Gloves (x 4)
Rapport Jubilee Tablecloth (x 3)
Raspberry Boo Pop (x 1)
Raspberry Eclair (x 1)
Raspberry Slushie (x 3)
Rave Item Pack (x 3)
Raven Chick (x 1)
Raw Garnet Fragment (x 1)
Raychol Brew (x 1)
Raychol Goody Bag 09 (x 1)
Raychol Parasol (x 1)
Raychol Spiderweb Corset (x 1)
Really Permanent Ink Pen (x 1)
Red and Blue Easter Egg (x 2)
Red and Green Easter Egg (x 2)
Red and Orange Easter Egg (x 2)
Red and Pink Easter Egg (x 2)
Red and Purple Easter Egg (x 1)
Red and Yellow Easter Egg (x 1)
Red Apple Swan (x 1)
Red Bottle Overflowing with Chocolate (x 50)
Red Candy Cane Paper Crown (x 1)
Red Caramel Apple (x 1)
Red Chocolate Drizzled Caramel Apple (x 1)
Red Christmas Cracker (x 1)
Red Easter Egg (x 2)
Red Flower Valentine (x 1)
Red Glitter Bauble (x 1)
Red Halloween Trick or Treat Sweet (x 2)
Red Hot Julipepper (x 6)
Red Messenger (x 1)
Red Open Heart Gloves (x 2)
Red Open Heart Leggings (x 3)
Red Paper Crown (x 2)
Red Peanut Crushed Caramel Apple (x 1)
Red Plastic Easter Egg (x 5)
Red Polo Shirt (x 14)
Red Potato (x 1)
Red Prism Shard (x 7)
Red Rabid Pumpkin (x 5)
Red Rainbow Caramel Apple (x 1)
Red Rainbow Necklace (x 1)
Red Rock Candy Heart (x 9)
Red Tartan Kilt (x 2)
Red Tie Dye Headband (x 26)
Red Tie Dye Pants (x 70)
Red Tie Dye Shirt (x 52)
Red Valentine Card (x 2)
Red Valentine Pendant (x 1)
Red Velvet Jaaku Cupcake (x 1)
Red Virgo Wings (x 4)
Reibeast Staff Balloon (x 5)