Thehippis Rare Item Shop
Rare items and other things
Winter Uilus Squishy (x 2)
Winter Valabex Squishy (x 1)
Winter Wyrae Squishy (x 1)
Wintery Grab Bag (x 4)
Witch Brew (x 10)
Witch Broom (x 48)
Witch Hat Charm (x 1)
wolfspirit25 Staff Squishy (x 3)
Wooden Drafting Table (x 2)
Wooden Shovel (x 1)
Wooly Worm (x 4)
Wrapped Fruit Cake (x 1)
Wyrae Egg Balloon (x 1)
Wyrae Ice Cream Cone (x 5)
Wyrae Stocking (x 1)
Wyrae Volume Two: Palora's Promise (x 19)
xeeroh Rotten Candy Apple (x 1)
xeeroh Squishy (x 14)
xeeroh Staff Apple (x 4)
xeeroh Staff Balloon (x 10)
Xespa Marble (x 1)
Xespa Minion Hood (x 1)
Xespa Squishy (x 2)
Xespa Thank You Card (x 1)
Xespa Voodoo Doll (x 1)
Xespas Spellbook (x 9)
Xespas Wicked Potion (x 3)
Xoria Enchanted Sleeves (x 1)
Xoria Marble (x 1)
Xoria Minion Hood (x 1)
Xoria Squishy (x 2)
Xoria Voodoo Doll (x 1)
Xray Costume Bag (x 2)
Yam The Long Haul (x 8)
Yamiunia Sword (x 6)
YAMs Apple of Doom Lollipop (x 1)
Yellow and Green Easter Egg (x 2)
Yellow and Pink Easter Egg (x 2)
Yellow and Purple Easter Egg (x 2)
Yellow Apple Swan (x 1)
Yellow Attack Bandana (x 1)
Yellow Bottle Overflowing with Chocolate (x 20)
Yellow Easter Egg (x 2)
Yellow Easter Recipe Card (x 4)
Yellow Plastic Easter Egg (x 5)
Yellow Rabid Pumpkin (x 5)
Yellow Rock Candy Heart (x 3)
Yellow Slingshot (x 17)
Yellow Tie Dye Pants (x 45)
Yellow Tie Dye Shirt (x 116)
You Are Cute Card (x 5)
You Are NOT Funny (x 1)
Your_annoying_me Goody Bag (x 2)
Yuletide Fruit (x 4)
Zaphao Arm Warmers (x 1)
Zaphao Egg Balloon (x 1)
Zaphao Holiday Gift Box (x 1)
Zaphao Oni Mask (x 5)
Zaphao Paw Prints Sticker (x 1)
Zaphao Wind-Up Toy (x 3)
Zaphodil Bulb (x 2)
Zarabeythe Goody Bag (x 1)
Zarabeythe Goody Bag 08 (x 1)
Zarabeythe Headless Horseman Figurine (x 4)
Zarabeythe Lollipop (x 3)
Zarabeythe Squishy (x 5)
Zenirix Beanie Egg Container (x 11)
Zenirix Birthday Cupcake (x 2)
Zenirix Box Car (x 1)
Zenirix Dish (x 1)
Zenirix Egg Balloon (x 1)
Zenirix Face Mask (x 5)
Zenirix Holiday Gift Box (x 1)
Zenirix Inner Tube (x 1)
Zenirix Stocking (x 1)
Zenirix Tiki Mask (x 1)
Zenirix Wind-Up Toy (x 1)
Zenirixs First Winter (x 1)
Zios Chibi Squishy (x 4)
Zombie Arm (x 5)
Zombie Bite (x 1)
Zombie Brain Chew Toy (x 1)
Zombie Pizza (x 1)
Zookie Balloon (x 8)
Zookie Cookie (x 1)
Zookie Squishy (x 1)