Wun Stahp Shoppe
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10k Barter Token (x 1)
25k Barter Token (x 3)
Atquati Scroll 9 (x 1)
Blue Cotton Candy (x 18)
Blue Raspberry Snowcone (x 1)
Blueberry Sundae (x 1)
Candy Pizza (x 4)
Cherry Eclair (x 1)
Chocolate Ice Cream Cone (x 3)
Coconut (x 1)
Empty Star Jar (x 8)
Grapes (x 2)
Juicy Orange (x 2)
Kiwi (x 3)
Lemon Eclair (x 8)
Lemonade Bottle (x 25)
Lime Ice Pop (x 2)
Liyure Jaw Seed (x 1)
Orange (x 2)
Otachitails (x 1)
Pineapple (x 10)
Pink Cotton Candy (x 5)
Pumpkin Apple (x 1)
Red Water Flower (x 1)
Reiflem Scroll 9 (x 1)
Relfruit (x 2)
Ricki Staff Apple (x 1)
Scria Berries (x 1)
Slice of Striped Watermelon (x 2)
Square Jar of Sand (x 2)
Striped Grapes (x 2)
Sugar Cookie Bag (x 2)
Tropical Bananas (x 1)
Vanilla Sundae (x 2)
Wild Reifruit (x 3)
Wild Relfruit (x 4)
Yellow Calla Lily Flower (x 1)
Zaphao Gingerbread Cookie (x 1)